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Find out how many BONES the human body has

How many bones has the human body

Image: ISAF Institute

Sometimes we start to study the bones of a region of the body or they tell us about a fracture in which many bones are involved and we wonder "How many bones has the human body?". Well the human body, when we are adults and fully developed, has 206 bones and in some people it may have even 240. If you want to know which are those "accessory" bones, which part of the human body has more bones and much more, in this lesson from a PROFESSOR you will find out!

The skeleton of adult humans is normally made up of 206 bones although when we are children we can have More than 300! This is because, as we grow older, our bones are joining (merging). Within this calculation teeth are not taken into account, since they are not considered normal bones. Also, some bones can form in some people but not in others; This is called accessory bone and the most common are:

  • Sesamoid bones: They can be in the joints of the hands or feet, in the knees or the tendons of the biceps brachii.
  • Wormian or sutural bones
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    s: these are bones that appear in the skull due to an irregular ossification of the fontanelles and usually two or three appear, although in patients with hydrocephalus there may be more.

The human skeleton it is divided into two different parts: axial skeleton and appendicular skeleton. The axial skeleton is the one that forms the center of our body: head, neck and torso while the appendicular skeleton It is the set of bones that make up our upper limbs (arms and hands) and lower limbs (legs and feet). Both parts are joined by two sets of bones: shoulder girdle (shoulders) and pelvic girdle (waist). If you want to know more about each of them, keep reading!

How many bones does the human body have - The bones of the human body and their classification

Image: Slideshare

Now that you know how many bones the human body has, we are going to talk to you about those found in this specific part. The axial skeleton has a total of 80 bones between the Bones of the head, neck, ear, thorax and abdomen although we remember that they may be more due to the appearance of accessory bones such as sutural bones.

  • In the head we find 22 bones. The bones of the skull there are a total of 8: frontal, occipital, sphenoid, ethmoid, two parietal bones and two temporal bones. Face and jaw They are made up of a total of 14 bones: 2 zygomatic bones, 2 maxillary, 2 nasal, mandible, 2 palatine, 2 lacrimal, vomer and 2 inferior nasal turbinates.
  • On the sides of the head we find the ears. The ears are formed, each one of them by three bones: anvil, hammer and stirrup. The stirrup is the smallest bone in the human body, measuring about 0.25 centimeters!
  • If we keep going down, we meet the neck. The neck is made up of a single bone, the hyoid bone.
  • Then we find the chest, which is made up of 44 bones, most of them being ribs. The thorax is made up of 24 ribs (14 true ribs, 6 false ribs, and 4 floating ribs), 12 thoracic vertebrae, 7 cervical vertebrae, and the sternum.
  • Lastly in the axial skeleton, the abdomen It is made up of 7 bones: 5 lumbar vertebrae, the sacrum and the coccyx. The sacrum can be formed by the fusion of four or six pieces, depending on the person. For its part, the coccyx is a remnant of a tail that our ancestors had and that disappears in the eighth week of embryonic development.
How many bones does the human body have - Axial skeleton of the human body


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