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26 ANIMALS riddles with answers

Animal riddles with answers

The riddles They are one of the best games to entertain the little ones in the house in a didactic way. In addition to making them laugh out loud, you will make them have to rack their brains to find the answer through intellect, imagination and logic.

In this lesson from a TEACHER, we want to introduce you to some of the top animal riddles with answers. In this way you can have fun and learn with these easy and affordable challenges that will make them learn more about the world of animals.

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Animal riddles for children.

The animal riddles with answers that we will propose next they have different levels, so before you start playing with your child to discover the answer, it is recommended that you choose a riddle that suits their age and abilities. These enigmas will help the smallest of the house to begin to know more details about the animal world and learn curiosities that they did not know before, about the environment that surrounds them.

We have made a selection with some of the

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best animal riddles so that you break your head looking for the solution. Later you can find the correct answers, so you can check if you were on the right track.

  1. I sing on the shore, I live in the water, I am not a fish, nor am I a cicada. Who I am?
  2. That's not how I am, that's not how I was, that's how I won't be until the end.
  3. I fly at night, I sleep during the day and you will never see feathers on my wing.
  4. I was born green, I lived green and I will die green.
  5. I am a very elegant animal, very fast and not very fierce; and when I want to put on my shoes I go to the blacksmith's house.
  6. He jumps and he is not a rabbit, he has a bag and he is not shopping, he has long ears and he is not a donkey. Who?
  7. I have long hair, I am strong and very fast, I open my mouth so wide that I am scary with my voice.
  8. What is it, what is it, the size of a walnut that goes up the hill and has no feet?
  9. He carries everything in front of him, his tusks for the fight and his trunk for the shower. Who?
  10. Gnawing is my job, cheese is my snack, and the cat has always been my most feared enemy. Who I am?
  11. When it swims in the rivers, it looks like a floating log, but if it shows its teeth, everyone flees instantly.
  12. What animal with a good sense of smell, a hunter inside the house, reviews corner by corner and licks if it catches a plate?
  13. I read my name, my surname is pardo. Who does not guess it is a bit late. Who I am?
  14. Zumba that you will zumbarás, they come and go without rest from flower to flower bustling and sweetening our lives.
  15. My neck is long and I have spots on my skin. My legs are much longer than yours.
  16. I give lana and to speak "I say beee", if you don't guess my name, I'll never tell you.
  17. I go from cell to cell, but I am not a prisoner.
  18. I'm in black and white, but I'm not an old TV, I'm actually an animal, which is also useful for you to cross the sidewalk.
  19. If I want to walk I jump, and if I want to stop I bend down.
  20. There is no hose in the animal world longer than mine.
  21. A bug is walking along a path ahead, and the name of that bug, I've already told you.
  22. If you have it, you look for it; if you don't have it, you don't look for it, you don't want it.
  23. What is the star that has no light?
  24. I am a piece of light in the night. During the day I hide in the grass. I look like an emerald that the wind takes away. Who I am?
  25. When he sings, he is so frightening that he startles people, with the cry in his throat and the wings on his forehead.
  26. At the beginning there is a bed, the beast comes later. Who among you knows who it is?

Here we leave you more hard riddles to test your logic.

Animal Riddles with Answers - Animal Riddles for Kids

Animal riddles answers.

Not finding the answer to a riddle can be quite an annoying feeling, since you won't be able to get that riddle out of your mind to focus on anything else. That is why we wanted to leave you the animal riddles answers above, so you can check if you had reached the same conclusion.

We recommend that try to find the solution by yourself before consulting this section, since this is what riddles are all about.

  1. The Frog
  2. the ass
  3. The bat
  4. The alligator
  5. Horse
  6. The kangaroo
  7. The lion
  8. The snail
  9. Elephant
  10. The mouse
  11. The crocodile
  12. The cat
  13. The leopard
  14. The bees
  15. The giraffe
  16. The sheep
  17. The bee
  18. The zebra
  19. The kangaroo
  20. Elephant
  21. Cow
  22. The flea
  23. the starfish
  24. The Firefly
  25. Donkey
  26. the chameleon

We hope that this article has seemed interesting to you and that now you know some of the best animal riddles that will entertain the little ones in the house.

If you want to read more articles similar to Animal riddles with answers, we recommend that you enter our category of Reading.


de Castilla-La, J. d C., of Education, M. C., & del Río Alberche, B. (2011). The riddles.

De la Serna, M. (2001). The book of riddles and riddles. greasy.

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