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HISTORICAL context of contemporary literature

Historical context of contemporary literature

The contemporary literature It is a literary style that emerged in the 1940s with the start of World War II and has continued to the present day. The new styles that emerge in literature and in art in general are usually caused by certain political, historical and social events and changes at the time. That is what we call historical context.

In this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to explain what is the historical context of contemporary literature, so you can see what are the causes that made the written works take a 180º turn, with respect to the previous movements.

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  1. When did contemporary literature originate?
  2. What is the historical context of contemporary literature
  3. Causes of the appearance of contemporary literature

When did contemporary literature originate?

The first World War (1914-1918) produced, among the intellectuals of the time, a strong feeling of pessimism and despair. Within this background of ideology, it is worth noting the appearance of

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new currents of thought that reached different areas of knowledge. These proposals were so innovative for the time, that they modified the course of thought that existed up to now.

One of the main examples is Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), which reveals the existence of an unconscious dimension in the human being that can have more power than the conscious sphere. Another example is Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) who made a critique of Western culture, religion and philosophy. This criticism was based on the analysis of the moral attitudes of good or evil, in life. This work affected subsequent generations of theologians, sociologists, philosophers, psychologists, poets, playwrights, and novelists.

Albert Einstein (1879-1955) is also one of the prominent figures of the time who influenced the historical context of contemporary literature. This scientist gave physics a different twist, through his theory of relativity.

What is the historical context of contemporary literature.

The new approaches that have occurred in contemporary times destroy the old ideas and values ​​with which Western society was sustained. Before these discoveries, the only foundation that existed was full confidence in reason and scientific development, as a path to knowledge and happiness. For the intellectuals of the 20th century, there is no certainty or security anymore, but the absolute truths are replaced by relativity, uncertainty and complexity.

He beginning of the 20th century comes loaded with new concerns and innovative proposals in art. Between the end of the First World War (1918) and 1924, the avant-garde that has evolved throughout the first half of the century. This avant-garde deliberately breaks with previous realism and is characterized by the fact that artists seek new forms and themes for their works.

Refering to literature, are produced changes in themes and in the way of structuring the stories, incorporating new innovative creation techniques, which affect all genres of writing (lyrical, narrative and dramatic). Literature ceases to be a rigid structure that must follow the classical canon, to incorporate new more complex and multidimensional realities of society.

In this moment in which the works are more subjective than ever, World War II breaks out and the world of literature is prepared to face this new stage, making all the changes that are necessary and taking into account that there is never an absolute truth, but everything is possible. This is the beginning of contemporary literature.

In this other lesson we discover you the authors of contemporary Spanish literature highlights.

Historical context of contemporary literature - What is the historical context of contemporary literature

Causes of the appearance of contemporary literature.

The factors that contribute to the appearance of a new literary current are infinite, so we could never manage to identify them all. Of course, there are some that are more decisive and that play a more important role in the emergence of contemporary literature. We mention some of them:

  • The absolutist monarchies end and an era of big revolutions: The French Revolution (Bourgeois and Liberal Revolution).
  • explodes theUS War of Independence
  • Coincides with two great wars in Spain: The War of the Succession (1700-1713), for the succession to the throne of Carlos II, in which there are two aspirants to the throne: Felipe de Anjou (belonging to the house of Bourbons) and Archduke Charles (of the house of Austrias).
  • A new movement called Illustration, which is the continuation of the Renaissance.
  • In 1939 there is a Spanish national offensive in Catalonia that leads to the fall of Barcelona. The Germans invade Czechoslovakia and Hitler enters Prague.
  • Finish her Spanish Civil War

know the historical context of contemporary literature it is very valuable for understanding how its main authors began to write. Obviously, this type of writing has been mutating and adapting at every moment, up to the present day. If you want to continue investigating this topic and learning about the roots of current literature, do not hesitate to consult our history of literature lessons.

Historical context of contemporary literature - Causes of the appearance of contemporary literature

If you want to read more articles similar to Historical context of contemporary literature, we recommend that you enter our category of history of literature.


  • Valdes, M. J. (1995). The open interpretation: Introduction to contemporary literary hermeneutics (Vol. 16). rhodopi.
  • Marquina, f. m. (2007). contemporary literature. Hispanic Word, 15(1), 169-170.
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