Definition of concrete noun and examples
Next, we propose an extensive list of examples of some of the most common concrete nouns that we use in our daily life:
Book, orange, computer, car, table, ball, glass, omelette, chair, house, pants, shirt, kerchief, lion, cat, eyes, dog, wheel, television, phone, earring, watch, calendar, coat, hand, arm, mouth, nose, lip, pillow, candle, meat, keys, document, folder, carrot, lemon, bottle, box, sock, brush, notebook, finger, dictionary, pen, blackboard, tablecloth, pear, newspaper, person, foot, fish, radio, cup, cereals, towel, soap, window, door, shoe, disk, button, glasses, spoons, plate, sweatshirt, salad, ham, card, banknote, child, family, cattle, apple, army, suitcase, bag, beer, wine, class, students, teachers, flock, cutlery, living room, sofa, truck, traffic light, street, subway, shop, money, cafe, coffee, furniture, rice, sun, moon, plane, crew, pencil, rubber, ring, earrings, bracelets, Jaime, Lucia, Pablo, Carolina, butterfly, forest, river, cigarette, scissors, spiders, bee, tea, milk, stopper, casserole, knife, dryer, iron, vacuum cleaner, melon, pear, avocado, peach, trash can, mirror, wallet, light bulb, pen, needle, thread, nail, finger, guitar, violin, flute, harmonica, washing machine, softener, letter, envelope, stamp, napkin, vest, blouse, skirt, stick, broom, stone, log, leaf, fish, bird, etc.