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Patativa do Assaré: 8 poems analyzed

The poet Patativa do Assaré (1909-2002) is two maiores nomes from northeastern poetry in Brazil.

Recognized internationally, his work tells about the life of povo sertanejo, suas dores and lutas through an informal language, as simple words of homem da roça.

Patativa developed his art, over all, suddenly he gave cordel literature, gaining projection from two years 60, when theme or poem Sad Departure mused hair master Luiz Gonzaga.

1. To terra é nossa

A terra é um bem comum
That belongs to each um.
As your power além,
Deus fez a grande Natura
More não passou deed
Give land for no.

Se a terra foi Deus quem fez,
It is the work of breeding,
Deve every champion
Ter uma faixa de chão.

When an added one drops
O seu scream of revolt,
You are right to claim.
I have not suffered more
Do that um camponês viver
Sem terra pra trabalhar.

Or large latifundiário,
Selfish and usury,
Da terra all se apossa
Causing crises fatais
Porém nas leis naturais
We know that a terra é nossa.

Nesse poem, Patativa do Assaré expõe seu point of view in favor of

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social use da terra. It is a text that carries a strong political charge, defending that all the people of Campesino devem ter seu piece of chão to plant and color.

O poet criticizes you donos of enormous areas, used for fins little sustentáveis ​​(we give as an example to monoculture and or pasture) as the objective of enriching ainda mais, enquanto the workers of the field ficam sem terrar to throw seu support.

We can also see the idea that, for him, the spirituality field does not favor this system based on private property and inequalities.

2. Or what else doi

Or that mais doi não é sofrer saudade
Do dear love that is absent
Nem to lembrança that or heart sentence
Two beautiful sounds from the first day.
Não é also a harsh cruelty
Do you false friend, when you deceive people,
Nem os martírios of a latent dor,
When molecule or body invades.
Or that more than that, it oppresses us,
E revolts us more than or own crime,
I will not lose position um grau.
See the votes of an internal country,
From o praciano to camponês roceiro,
Pra eleger um president mau.

Patativa presents us here a reflection on which he expresses a lament for the unhappy escorts of political representatives, eleitos hair povo.

In a brilliant way, or poet relates questões individuais, patterned not emotional appeal, loving and nostalgic, com matters of collective order, which involve citizenship, democracy, politics and, subjectively, manipulation Social.

Com isso, get-be raised um elo enter a personal life and public life, pois, de faato, is necessary or understanding that such things are interlinked in the society of an integral organism.

Interesting to observe how the poems of Patativa, written so many years ago, still remain atuais.

3. Or added and operário

Sou matuto do Nordeste
raised inside da kills
caboclo goat stinks
flat headed poet
for being a poet roceiro
I was always companion
da dor, da mágoa e do pranto
by isto, by the minute
vou falar para vocês
o que é que eu sou e o que sing.
Sou farmer poet
do interior do Ceará
to desdita, o pranto e a dor
I sing here and I sing here
I am a friend of the operator
what a good thing um poor salary
e do homeless beggar
I sing with emotion
o meu dear sertão
e his people's lives.
Trying to solve
a thorny problem
EU try to defend
no meu modest poem
that a true saint locks up
the camponeses sem terra
What about Brazil?
e as families of the city
what sofrem necessity
dwelling not poor poor.
Vão not the same itinerary
I fry the same oppression
nascidades, operário
e o camponês no sertão
embora um do outro absent
or that a sentence or another sentence
I am burned in the same ember
and live in the same War
sem terra aggregates
The operatives are home.
Operário da cidade
you will sofre enough
to the same necessity
sofre or seu irmão distante
raising life grosseira
sem direito de carteira
your failure continues
is great martyrdom that
to your lot is to give
e a sorte le é a sua.
Disto eu já alive ciente
you are born a city or an operator
works constantly
for a small salary
the fields or added
is subordinate
sob or juice of the patrão
suffering bitter life
such as pack donkey
debaixo da subjectição.
Camponeses meus irmãos
e operators of the city
it is necessary to give more
cheios de fraternidade
in favor of each um
form um corpo comum
praciano e camponês
pois only with this alliance
to Estrella da Bonança
it will shine for you.
Some like others understand each other
clarifying the reasons
e all together fazendo
suas vindications
for a democracy
direct and guarantee
struggling from more to more
são these beautiful planes
you can tell us humans
we are all the same.

It is very frequent for us poems by Patativa do Assaré a exaltação às suas origigens. Born not from Ceará and farmer's filho, or writer exhibits an autobiographical fallacy in Or added and operário, counting from where I see and quais são os seus values ​​pessoais.

He associates life not being com a dor e o pranto and declares his support for semi-terrestrial years and low-class workers, as well as other years excluded from the company, such as poorly in the street situation.

Ele traça um panorama of the situation of the humble country of Brazil, unindo camponeses e operatários, that same in different realities, live situations of equal oppression and violence.

At the end of the text, he proposed that the city workers alienate themselves in search of Direitos, pois no deve haver inequalidades, posto that we are all human and we deserve the same opportunities.

4. Cow Estrela e Boi Fubá

Seu doutor, give me a license
pra minha history tell
Hoje eu tô na terra estranha,
é bem sad or meu sorrow
I was very happy
living I am not my place
Eu tinha cavalo bom
e gostava de campear
All day eu aboiava
na porteira do curral
Eeeeiaaaa, êeee Vaca Estrela, ôoooo Boi Fubá
Eu sou filho do Nordeste,
I do not negotiate meu naturá
More dry medonha
I tangeu de la prá cá
La eu tinha o meu gadinho, não é bom nem imagine
Minha linda Vaca Estrela
e o meu belo Boi Fubá
Aquela dried medonha
fez tudo se trapalhar
Eeeeiaaaa, êeee Vaca Estrela, ôoooo Boi Fubá
Não nasceu capim no field to or gado to sustain
Or sertão gets in the way,
fez or açude dry
Morreu minha Vaca Estrela,
it's over meu Boi Fubá
I lost all how much eu tinha, never again could I aboiar
Eeeeiaaaa, êeee Vaca Estrela, ôoooo Boi Fubá

Or poem in questão exhibits a narrative in first person where we know knowing about you events in the life of a little subject who lived in the field and tinha sua terra and seus animais, that he provinham sustenance.

For a dry day, such a little fellow would have his land ravaged and lose his spirits. Assim, or poem é um lamento e uma denouncement on the evils of the dry north-east.

This integrated poem or phonographic album A terra é Naturá, recorded in 1981. The album has several texts recited by the poet and with the participation of names of music such as Nonato Luiz e Manassés no violão, Cego Oliveira na rabeca and Fagner na voz.

Confira or musical poem below.

Patativa do Assaré - Vaca Estrela e Boi Fubá (Pseudo Video)

5. O Peixe

I tend for berço or crystalline lake,
Folga or peixe, to swim all innocent,
Medo ou receio do porvir não sente,
Pois lives unsuspecting his fatal destiny.
Se na ponta de um fio long e fine
Isca sight, Ferra-a unconscious,
Ficando or poor peixe suddenly,
Prisoner ao anzol do ladino fisherman.
O camponês, também, do nosso Estado,
Before the electoral campaign, coitus!
Daquele peixe was the same lot.
Before the lawsuit, festa, riso e gosto,
Depois do lawsuit, imposto e mais imposto.
Poor matuto do sertão do Norte!

Here, Patativa faces a critical view of the electoral system, which shapes how it is done, not which people are ludibriadas hairs. Candidates not at the time of campaign, more depois deixadas ao léu, sem assistência and I have to load with a large load tributary.

It is also interesting or parallel that it draws between fishing activity and partisan political activity.

O peixe no seu habitat He lives peacefully, knowing that he will die or wait for the fisherman's bridge, as well as for the population, who, innocent, do not perceive as real intentions two candidates for public office.

6. Or Poeta da Roça

Sou fio das mata, cantô da mão grosa
I work na roça, winter and summer
A minha chupana is covered with mud
I only smoke a paia de mio cigar
Sou poeta das brenha, não faço o papé
From argum menestrê, ou wandering sang
That I have seen wandering, with his viola
Singing, pachola, à percura de amô
I don't know, I never studied
Barely eu seio o meu nome assiná
Meu pai, coitadinho! lived sem copper
E o fio do poor I can't study
Meu rastero verse, singelo e sem graça
Do not enter the praça, not rich salão
Meu verse only enters no field da roça and two eito
E times, remembering happy mocidade
I sing a sodade that dwells in meu peito

Again, Patativa exalts the place where he saw his history, making it clear that the poetry he produced is about the things that he knows, the simple things that give common life.

Or "speaker do sertão"As also known to me or a poet, he uses here the linguagem do homem caipira, which he needs to work on without having the opportunity to study formally. No text evidence or problem of illiteracy allied to poverty.

Assim, he ends by saying that his verses are perfect for humble people like him.

7. Autobiography

More porém as a leitura
É a maió diciprine
E veve na treva iscura
Quem seu nome de el não assina,
Same as heavy,
For a backward school
Tinha a part of the day,
Where I am studying more
Com um veio camponês
That he knew nothing.

Meu professô was fiery
Na base do português,
Catalog, it was catalog,
The biggest favor was me.
Or the same I never did,
Foi how I learned
Minhas premêra lição,
I am selling you,
Saí escrevendo e lendo
Mesmo sem pontuação.

Depois só fiz meus estudo,
But we won't be free from school
Eu gostava de lê tudo,
Magazine, book and journal.
With more time to face,
Same vaguely,
Não errava nenhum nome.
Lia not clear gives light
As pregação de Jesus
E as injustice two home.

In Autobiography, Patativa do Assaré tells us a little about his life and training. When he was younger, he went to school, but only for a few months, never leaving Lida na roça aside.

He studied just enough to learn how to write. Later, he continued reading by himself, as a self-taught. Assim, or interest and curiosity of menino formou or great writer of sertão.

8. Eu e o Sertão

Sertão, argue me I sang to you,
I always have sung
And still singing tô,
Pruquê, my beloved torrão,
I praise you very much, I love you
I know you are mistéro
No one knows how to decipher.
To your beauty is so much,
Who the poet sings, sings,
And find out or who sing.

No belo poem acima, Patativa offers us com uma tribute to his native land e suas roots. Or sertão is portrayed in a mysterious and idyllic way, as an inspiration for the poet.

Here he also uses simple linguistics, with "incorrect" grammar, to guarantee the identification of povo sertanejo with his art.

What was the Patativa do Assaré?

Antônio Gonçalves da Silva is the name of the batismo of Patativa do Assaré.

Born on March 5, 1909 in Assaré, interior do Ceará, or poet escolheu as pseudônimo Patativa. This is the name of a beautiful song, present in the northeast region; the second part of seu apelido vem as a tribute to the local seu nascimento.

patativa do assaré
Layer of Or sertão within myself (2010), by Tiago Santana and Gilmar de Carvalho. O livro pays homage to the centennial of the poet's birth

Or a writer you have a difficult childhood, with a lot of work and little study. At the age of 16 he began to work repeatedly, later on he began to publish poems not on the Correio do Ceará newspaper.

Depois, or poet and singer, travels to the northeast, presenting his poetry to the viola.

In 1956 he publishes his first book Nordestina Inspiration, not which are present many texts written years before. Oito anos depois, em 1964, tem seu poem Sad departure engraved hair singer Luiz Gonzaga, or that lhe confere maior projeção.

Patativa always made evident his political positions in his work, having criticized even the military period (1964-1985) and being persecuted at that time.

Some books of note from the são writer: Cantos da Patativa (1966), Sing the Que Eu Canto Cá (1978), Here Tem Coisa (1994). Gravou added two albums: Poems and Songs (1979) e To Terra é Naturá (1981), which includes the production of the singer Fagner.

His work was quite recognized, becoming the subject of study at the French Sorbonne university.

Patativa do Assaré lost a hearing and a hearing in the last years of his life and died on July 8, 2002, due to multiple missing organs.

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