Education, study and knowledge

15 famous infant poems that as children you will adore

Poetry has the power to move us, to transport us to other worlds and to educate us about human complexity.

For all these reasons, and many more, or contato das crianças com a poetry can be magical and enhance a love for reading that will last a lifetime.

Is trying short poems for ler com as crianças and inspire little readers? Check out the compositions that we select, and comment on, for you.

1. Ou isto ou hereby Cecília Meireles

Ou was cool and there was no sun
You are sunny and you are not cool!

Ou is fitted to luva and not to be põe or anel,
ou se põe o anel e não se clça a luva!

Quem over us ares não fica no chão,
It burns no chão não SOB ares.

It is a great pity that it does not stay
be at the same time in two places!

I keep or money and I don't buy twelve,
ou buy or twelve and spend or money.

Ou isto ou aquilo: ou isto ou aquilo ...
and I live escorting or inteiro day!

No sei jumped, no sei studied,
He came out running or quiet.

But I never managed to understand ainda
qual é melhor: se é isto ou aquilo.

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Cecília Meireles (1901 - 1964) was a notorious Brazilian writer, artist and educator. Considered one of the greatest national poets, the author also stands out in the field of children's literature.

Some two of her poems dedicated to a children's audience will become true classics and continue to be very popular with readers of all ages.

Or poem in analysis, published in a homonymous work Ou Isto ou Aquilo (1964) é, perhaps, or more famous. A composition contains a fundamental teaching about how life works: we constantly fear what to do. escorts.

This implies, however, that we cannot finish the same time. When we choose a coisa, we are opening more. A poet managed to translate this eternal feeling of incompleteness Through simple examples, with elements of everyday life.

POEM: Ou isto, ou aquilo Cecília Meireles

Find out more about a poetry by Cecília Meireles.

2. Different Weightsby Ruth Rocha

São duas cute crianças
More than a lot different!
Uma is all toothless,
A outra é cheia de dentes ...

Uma is maddened,
A outra é cheia de pentes!

One of them wears glasses,
E a outra only wears glasses.

Uma gosta de gelados,
To another gosta de quentes.

Uma tem long hair,
To another short the rents.

I don't want you to stay the same,
Aliás, nem tentes!
São duas cute crianças,
More than a lot different!

Ruth Rocha (1931) is one of the best writers of children's books on the national scene. Its most popular composition is, sem dúvida, Or Direito das Crianças, where the author lists the conditions for a happy and healthy childhood.

Neste artigo, contudo, we escort analyze or poem Different Weights, pela sua forte mensagem social. Here, the author ensina or reader to understand and to oil a difference.

Not a poem, it makes a comparison of two children and the conclusion that they contrast both their image, as we do their tastes. O little poetic subject makes it evident that one is superior to another: there is no certain jeito of being.

In a world that is still ruled by limited parents of beauty and behavior, Ruth Rocha talks about children (and adults) who or human being is multiple and that all the people deserve the same respect.

3. Or Duckby Vinícius de Moraes

La vem or duck
Leg here, leg acolá
La vem or duck
To see or what to do.
Or duck pateta
Pintou or caneco
Surrou to Galinha
Bateu no marreco
Pulou do poleiro
I don't want to dig it
Levou um coice
Criou um galo
Comeu um pedaço
By jenipapo
Ficou set
Com dor no papo
Caiu no poço
Quebrou a tigela
So many fez or moço
That was for panela.

Beloved adult hairs, Vinicius de Moraes (1913 - 1980) was also a very popular poet and musician among young people. Or Duck face part of infantis compositions of the "poetinha" that were published in the work To Noah's Ark (1970).

The poems, focused on all of them in animais, are written for the artists, Suzana and Pedro. Years later, in a partnership with Toquinho, Vinicius launched musical adaptations of these verses.

Or Duck It is a funny poem of read as children, because of its rhythm and its alliterations (repetitions of consontes). The verses contaminated the history of a duck that was doing a mountain of mischief.

We are gradually assisting consequences of your behavior. By counting suas more ações, or poor duck dies and ends up in panela.

Or Duck

Find out more about a poetry by Vinicius de Moraes.

4. Or cucoby Marina Colasanti

I know more than I maluco
This is the portrait of a cuckoo.
Taí um that does not kill itself
pra fazer um pé-de-meia
e nem thinks about battery asa
to build home.
For ele o bom negócio
I live in alheia house,
e do abuse nem is touched.
You seus eggs of him, quickie,
põe no ninho do vizinho
depois vai tanning a leisure
when vizinha crashes

Marina Colasanti (1937) is an Italian-Brazilian writer and journalist, author of several popular works of children's and children's literature.

Or cuco face part gives work Every bug is a whim (1992), na qual Colasanti mix or love pela poetry like love hairs animais. Assim, his verses observe me and reveal the singularities of each creature, educating or reading mirim.

Or poem in analysis is seals not behavior of cuckoo, bem different from behavior of other birds. Instead of building his own ninho, or cuckoo he is famous for leaving his ovos em ninhos alheios.

Assim, you two cuckoos end up being hit by passing other species. This fato face as an animal is faced, in our culture, as a synonym of strength and independence.

5. Mãeby Sérgio Capparelli

On skates, on bicycles
car, motorcycle, airplane
nas asas da borboleta
and we olhos do gavião
boat, speed boat
to cavalo num trovão
rainbow cores
no roar of um leão
na graça de um golfinho
and not germinate do grão
teu nome eu drink, mãe,
na palma da minha mão.

Sérgio Capparelli (1947) is a Brazilian journalist, professor and writer of children's literature who won the Jabuti Prize in the years 1982 and 1983.

The poet wrote several compositions on the mother figure and her timeless bond as you filhos. Em Mãe, We have a declaration of love from the subject to the parent.

By listing all the things you see, it illustrates that the memories and teachings of the day are present in each element of reality, each everyday gesture.

In this way, Capparelli's twelfth words translate a greater sentiment than his own life and laço unquebrável between mães e filhos.

6. Pontinho de vistaby Pedro Bandeira

I am little, he told me,
e eu phico muito zangado.
Tenho de olhar everyone
com or queixo raised.

But, falasse is formed
e me visse la do chão,
ia dizer, with certainty:
- Minha nossa, how great!

Pedro Bandeira (1942) is a Brazilian writer of works for young people who won the Prêmio Jabuti in 1986. This is two poems do livro For enquanto eu sou small, launched in 2002. Either subject seems to be a child who is transmitting or his "pontinho de vista" on life.

He affirms that he is seen as too small hairs and needs to straighten his head to fare like others. Not so, he knows he knows that you conceitos não são absolute It depends on how we face such things.

For example, a perspective of a formiga, or eu-lyrical and enormous, a true giant. In this way, and through a useful example for the children, Pedro Bandeira gives an important lição de subjetividade.

7. Porquinho-da-Índiaby Manuel Bandeira

When I am six years old
Ganhei um porquinho-da-india.
That dor of heart gave me
Because o bichinho only wanted to be under the fogão!
Leva ele pra sala
Pra the most beautiful places, more clean
Ele não gostava:
He wanted to be under the fogão.
Não fazia case nenhum das minhas ternurinhas ...

- O meu porquinho-da-india was my first love.

Manuel Bandeira (1886 - 1968) was one of the most important voices of Brazilian modernism. His poetry of simple and straightforward linguagem cativou, and continues to cater, readers of various gerações.

Porquinho-da-Índia é uma das suas compositions suitable for the child audience. Lembrando os tempos da infância, or poetic subject reflected on or seu antigo porquinho-da-india e a difficult relationship that mantinha like an animal.

Despite offering everything or love and comfort to bichinho, he "only wanted to be under the fogão". We verses, or eu-lyrical fallacies about the first time he felt rejeição, memory that she kept for or rest gives life.

At times, our love is not reciprocated with the same intensity. I am also melancholic, or a little subject faces or faces with lightness and knows that the face gives life.

Manuel Bandeira - Porquinho da Índia

Find out more about a poetry by Manuel Bandeira.

8. Menina passarinhoby Ferreira Gullar

Menina passarinho,
what a mansinho
you give me na mão
Where are you coming?
From some forest?
From some song?

Ah, you are at party
what did he need
this heart!

I know that you leave me
e é quase certo
no voltas, no.

More fica to alegria
what houve um day
em what um passarinho
me pousou na mão.

Ferreira Gullar (1930 - 2016) was a Brazilian poet, writer, critic and scholar, also being two founders of Neo-Concreteism.

Em Menina Passarinho, or little guy addresses someone whose gestures are light and delicate. Assim, he compares garota to um passarinho, who passes by flying and pousa na sua mão.

Esse briefI found he able to cheer up or subject, causing a festa no seu heart of her. I know that this moment is ephemeral, and that he will probably never see her again. Menina Passarinho, get to appreciate your remembrance of her.

A composition I will see readers that thus do not need to last forever to be special. For times, you fleeting moments we can be the most beautiful e also more poetic.

Check out a musical adaptation to the voice of Cátia de França:

Cátia de França - Menina Passarinho (1980)

Take the opportunity to explore melhor a poetry by Ferreira Gullar.

9. A Seer Giraffeby Leo Cunha

to bicha
Até it seemed
that way
or day of amanhã

Leonardo Antunes Cunha (1966), better known as Leo Cunha, is a Brazilian journalist and writer who mainly dedicated himself to creating works for children.

Em A Seer Giraffe, or poet se seal numa particularidade bem notorious do animal: at his height. As one assumes or point of view of a child, observe or long fish the giraffe, which seems quase não ter fim.

For being tall, or poetic subject I suggested she get to see além, being able to foresee or future. I am also amused to note that the composition itself (a narrow and vertical tower) seems to replicate or animal format.

10. Espantalhoby Almir Correia

Homem by palha
heart of capim
vai embora
years pouquinhos
I do not know two passarinhos
e fim.

Almir Correia is a Brazilian author of children's literature who also works with animation. Maybe for isso, or poem Espantalho Seja uma composition very assente em visual aspects. Formed by just six verses, or poem paints a fairly clear image of um scarecrow disintegrating as tempo.

Nothing is described and described in a sad or tragic way, you can see it all from life. Or scarecrow, whose purpose is to scare you, ends up being devoured serious hairs.

11. To portaby Vinicius de Moraes

Eu sou feita de madeira
Madeira, matéria morta
But there is no world
Mais alive do que uma porta.

Eu open devagarinho
Pra passar or menininho
Eu open bem be careful
Pra passar or namorado
Eu open bem prazenteira
Pra pass to cozinheira
Eu abro de supetão
Pra passar or capitão

Known as "poetinha", Vinicius tinha or dom of conferring a certain magic to apparently banais events and objects. Neste poem, or poetic subject shows all of history that can be contained in a simple porta.

In this way, it is clear that each element of the daily life starts from our lives and, it would be falasse, would be very much to tell about us and those who surround us. Here, there is a personification da porta, which escort will open in different ways for each personagem that appears.

Escute, abaixo, a versão musicada, in the voice of Fábio Jr .:

08 - A Porta - Fábio Jr. (DISCO A ARCA DE NOÉ - 1980)

12. Amarelinha, by Maria da Graça Rios

Maré mar
é maré
mare linha
seven houses by brush.
Pulo stop
e la vou
num pulinho
sure more um ponto
no ceu.

Maria da Graça Rios is a Brazilian writer and academic, author of several children's works such as Chuva choveu and Abel e a fera. Em Amarelinha, or poetic subject raises several word games starting from where it gives me a famous bridge.

Na composition, or eu-lyrical seems to be uma criança that is jumping of amarelinha and vai descrevendo os seus movements, tied or final do jogo.

13. To Bonecaby Olavo Bilac

Leaving a ball and a peteca,
How inda has a little jump,
Because of a boneca,
Duas meninas brigavam.

Dizia a primeira: "É minha!"
- "É minha!" to another screaming;
In nenhuma it continues,
Nem a boneca Larva.

Quem mais sofria (intercourse!)
It was a boneca. Ja tinha
All roupa estraçalhada,
And tied to carinha.

So much puxaram for her,
That poor tear-se ao meio,
Losing amarela bast
That he formed or recheated.

E, year of so much fadiga,
Turning to ball and to peteca,
Both, for the sake of brigade,
Ficaram sem a boneca ...

Olavo Bilac (1865 - 1918) was a famous Brazilian poet of Parnassianism who also wrote compositions for children. Em To Boneca, or little guy tells the story of two garotas who come to brigade because they want to jump with the same boneca.

Instead of partilharem and continue to jump, each one wanted boneca for themselves. From so much puxarem, we will end up destroying poor boneca and, not the end, no brincou like her. O poem vem lembrar as crianças que It is fundamental we learn to partilhar e that profit hardly led to ruinous results.

Conheça a reading and animation created from the poem:

Mucuninha - A Boneca (Olavo Bilac) - children's poetry

14. Or Pinguimby Vinicius de Moraes

Bom dia, Pinguim
Onde vai assim
How are you arrested?
I am not evil
No fique scared
I eat myself.
Eu só gostaria
To give um tapinha
I'm not chapéu de jaca
Ou bem by levinho
Puxar or rabinho
Give his coat.

Neste cheio poem of good humor, Vinícius jumps with the appearance of two pinguins. By serem pretos e brancos, They seem to be dressed in a formal jeito, wearing a jacket.

Assim, or lyrical subject seems to be a garoto who sees or bichinho ao longe and wants to approach him and touch him, tempting or frightening.

No perca a versão do poem set to music by Toquinho:

Toquinho - O Pinguim

15. Recipe to scare away sadnessby Roseana Murray

Faça uma mask
and send sadness
pra longe pro other side
do mar ou da lua

go to meio da rua
and plant bananeira
faça alguma besteira

depois estique os braços
apanhe to primeira estrela
and try my friend
for a long and open hug.

Roseana Murray (1950) is a writer from Rio de Janeiro, author of works of poetry and books for children. A writer published or your first book about her, Bundle of Carinho, em 1980.

Recipe me to scare away sadness, a poet transmits a very special message from ânimo. When we are sad, or when we are sad, we can do and interrupt this process of cooking and try to find something that makes us laugh (for example, planting bananas).

Something that also can not be missing is a friend: the mere presence of a friend can be enough to send sadness to embora.

Conheça also

  • Melhores livros infantis da literature brazilian
  • Poemas infantis de Vinicius de Moraes
  • Poems by Cecília Meireles for crianças
  • Poem A Bailarina, by Cecília Meireles
  • Poem As Borboletas, by Vinicius de Moraes
  • Poems by Manoel de Barros to read com as crianças
  • Children's story: commented stories for crianças
  • 10 infantile fables explained to reflect on life
  • Ivan Cruz and his works on childhood
  • O Meu Pé de Laranja Lima, by José Mauro de Vasconcelos

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