Royal Palm Beach is a small city located in the well-known North American state of Florida, which...
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According to attachment theory, we all develop a style of attachment towards other people, accord...
The relatively frequent risk behaviors on the part of the youngest have always been a characteris...
Vroom's expectancy theory is contextualized within social psychology and organizations. It refers...
We all know the typical double-sided rectangular brochure that is handed out on the street, promo...
The type of writing we use today is far from what was used just a few years ago. This has been ca...
Our way of writing has changed a lot in recent years and we are not referring precisely to langua...
If you've ever done a play, you've probably heard of the author's remarks. It is possible that at...
the theatrical text is one that aims to be represented on stage through actors who embody the cha...
It is increasingly common to observe the use of artificial intelligence in our environment, be it...
My name is Núria Quintana and I am an expert psychologist in emotional therapy. I work both onlin...
More than once it will have happened to us that we feel that the words "make a lump in our throat...