Education, study and knowledge
ALL types of sperm: morphology and movement

ALL types of sperm: morphology and movement

Image: Fundamentals and techniques of biochemical analysisOf all the cells in the human body, egg...

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SENSORY organs of the human body and their FUNCTIONS

SENSORY organs of the human body and their FUNCTIONS

The correct operation of the sensory organs It is what endows both human beings and animals with ...

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Discover ALL the parts of the language

Discover ALL the parts of the language

Image: Paxala.comThe language It is a muscular, cone-shaped organ found inside the mouth. The ton...

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New Laws of the Indies 1512

New Laws of the Indies 1512

The legislation that took place in America To improve the treatment of indigenous people by the S...

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The Renaissance it's a cultural movement arisen in Italy in the centuries XV and XVI assuming the...

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Invertebrate animals: characteristics and classification

Invertebrate animals: characteristics and classification

Image: Animal KingdomOur planet is inhabited by a huge number of animals, which are very differen...

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Australian Aboriginal History

Australian Aboriginal History

Image: New Acropolis SpainAustralia is a very particular continent due, above all, to the fact th...

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The parts of a microscope and their use

The parts of a microscope and their use

Image: YoutubeThroughout history, the human being has been able to create totally revolutionary i...

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100 years war: countries that clashed

100 years war: countries that clashed

In this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to discover one of the longest conflicts in the hist...

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The 4 most important RUBENS WORKS

The 4 most important RUBENS WORKS

Peter paul rubens (1577-1640) exemplifies the 17th century court painter model, very productive a...

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The main gods of the Mayans

The main gods of the Mayans

For many ancient cultures the only way to explain what happened in their lives was to attribute i...

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The Mayans: religion and culture

The Mayans: religion and culture

In the Pre-Columbian America, that is, the one that existed before the discovery of the continent...

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