Education, study and knowledge
What are the parts of teeth?

What are the parts of teeth?

Image: PHB Salud BucalOne of the most important parts of the human body is, without a doubt, the ...

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Plants clean our polluted air

Plants clean our polluted air

The importance of plants in our lives is well known by all, however a recent study has revealed a...

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What is NERVOUS IMPULSE and how does it spread

What is NERVOUS IMPULSE and how does it spread

Nerve impulse It is the electrochemical signal by which neurons communicate. Thanks to this nerve...

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Lungs and their function

Lungs and their function

The lungs are one of the most important organs of the body. The best known function of the lungs ...

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Mammals that lay eggs

Mammals that lay eggs

Mammals are a class of animals characterized by being vertebrates, being covered with hair, being...

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Definition of DECOMPONERS in biology

Definition of DECOMPONERS in biology

In nature, dead organic matter does not accumulate in the ecosystem until it collapses, but it is...

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HIOID bone: function and characteristics

HIOID bone: function and characteristics

The hyoid bone it's a little bone that we have in the throat. It is a bone with very special char...

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Discover ALL types of animal reproduction

Discover ALL types of animal reproduction

Image: SlidePlayerOne of the most important characteristics of living things is their ability to ...

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Discover ALL the muscles of the abdomen and their functions

Discover ALL the muscles of the abdomen and their functions

Image: Premium Rehabilitation MadridThe muscles of the abdomen are essential for the strength and...

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What are the sesamoid BONES

What are the sesamoid BONES

Did you know that in our skeleton there are some bones so small that its name refers to the tiny ...

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Image: SlideshareAmphibians are very interesting and varied animals. The word amphibians means "t...

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All PARTS of the MUSCLE system

All PARTS of the MUSCLE system

The skeletal muscular system is the active part of the musculoskeletal system. Together with the ...

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