Education, study and knowledge
All shoulder JOINTS

All shoulder JOINTS

Image: pc13sport.comThe shoulder is the part of the human anatomy that unites each of the arms wi...

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SKELETON functions: mechanical and metabolic

SKELETON functions: mechanical and metabolic

The skeleton is an internal structure characteristic of vertebrate animals, in addition to shapin...

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LIST of carnivorous animals

LIST of carnivorous animals

Image: Tinycards - DuolingoOn our planet there are a huge amount of different animal species they...

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Joints of the human body: names, types and movements

Joints of the human body: names, types and movements

Image: SlideShareOne of the main properties of humans is that we are vertebrates, that is, we hav...

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PARASITE animals: classification + EXAMPLES!! [with photos]

PARASITE animals: classification + EXAMPLES!! [with photos]

It is usually called parasite to an organism that It feeds on the substances that another living ...

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Discover what are ANAMNIOTE ANIMALS

Discover what are ANAMNIOTE ANIMALS

The vertebrates They can be divided according to many characteristics (according to whether they ...

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Discover what are the SHOULDER TENDONS

Discover what are the SHOULDER TENDONS

Image: MedilinePlusThe shoulder is a very mobile joint in the body. The shoulder is made up of a ...

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Amphibians: definition, characteristics and examples

Amphibians: definition, characteristics and examples

The group of vertebrates It is made up of 5 different kinds of animals, all of them unique and wi...

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Animals with SKIN respiration

Animals with SKIN respiration

In order to live, animals need take in oxygen and remove waste gases. Throughout the animal kingd...

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What sense do we humans have more developed?

What sense do we humans have more developed?

Image: DocentecaHave you ever wondered what sense do we humans have more developed? People tend t...

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Image: Permanent BeautyThe nose is an organ that allows us to breathe and perceive a great variet...

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Discover ALL the parts of the ear and the ear

Discover ALL the parts of the ear and the ear

Image: The Guide to Hearing and Deafness. Audio GuideOne of the senses of human beings is hearing...

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