Education, study and knowledge
Types of most important NEUROTRANSMITTERS

Types of most important NEUROTRANSMITTERS

The Central Nervous System It is made up of a large number of cells, very different and with a lo...

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Characteristics and examples of the MONERA KINGDOM

Characteristics and examples of the MONERA KINGDOM

Image: Google Sites According to a classic classification, devised in the 1970s and still used by...

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All BONES of the NECK

All BONES of the NECK

Image: Human skeleton The neck is the anatomical region that unites the head with the trunk. Insi...

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Parts of the amygdala

In this BIOLOGY video we will explain "Parts of the amygdala".Parts of the amygdala. A region tha...

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ANNELIDS: types, characteristics and examples

ANNELIDS: types, characteristics and examples

In nature we can meet many worm-shaped animals, but not everything is the same. Within what we no...

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Discover the TYPES of VERTEBRAS of the human body

Discover the TYPES of VERTEBRAS of the human body

Image: Natural SciencesThe vertebrae are the bones that make up the spine, the central axis of th...

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The LONGEST bone in the human body

The LONGEST bone in the human body

The human body is made up of 206 bones, which come in a variety of shapes and sizes. From the sho...

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The functions of the skull

The functions of the skull

The skull is one of the most important bones of the body. What we commonly call the skull is actu...

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Evolution of the species

Evolution of the species

Figure of Charles Darwin has survived to this day for being the person who wrote The origin of sp...

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Function of MUSCLES and muscle tissue

Function of MUSCLES and muscle tissue

The muscles are the anatomical structures constituted by muscle tissue. There are different types...

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What are ACCESSORY bones and their function

What are ACCESSORY bones and their function

When they tell us about human skeleton, the first thing they tell us is that it is constituted ap...

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Reptiles: definition, characteristics and examples

Reptiles: definition, characteristics and examples

Image: Google SitesThe animal world is full of unique animal groups, some of them having been on ...

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