Education, study and knowledge
The five senses of the human being

The five senses of the human being

Image: Spread. ORGLiving beings and man among them have mechanisms designed to capture the variat...

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POLLINATE meaning and characteristics

POLLINATE meaning and characteristics

The pollination process is defined as the transport of the pollen grain or grains (male gamete) f...

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Classification of BIRDS

Classification of BIRDS

We all know how to identify a bird when we see it in our daily lives in the form of pigeons, spar...

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Differences between the central and peripheral nervous system

Differences between the central and peripheral nervous system

Image: Information | A Universe of InformationThe nervous system It is a huge and complex network...

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Where the blood circulates

Where the blood circulates

Blood circulates through blood vessels thanks to the impulse of the rhythmic contractions of the ...

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Types of land mammals

Types of land mammals

Animals are incredible beings, capable of living both in water and on land, mammals being no exce...

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All PARTS of the human DENTURE

All PARTS of the human DENTURE

Image: Association "Emotion and Health" The teeth is without a doubt one of the important structu...

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The PARTS of a ROSE and their FUNCTIONS

The PARTS of a ROSE and their FUNCTIONS

The roses, also called rose bushes, are part of the group of thorny-type bushes belonging to the ...

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Snails are really curious animals, if we look at their appearance, this could not be more surpris...

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Classification of VEGETABLES

Classification of VEGETABLES

The vegetables (the plants) They are a very numerous and very ancient set of organisms, since the...

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Vertebrate animals: characteristics and classification

Vertebrate animals: characteristics and classification

Image: SmoreThe animal world is very important on our planet, being ourselves part of that world....

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Find out how fish reproduce

Find out how fish reproduce

Fish is a very diverse group that is characterized mainly because they are aquatic organisms, wit...

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