Education, study and knowledge
Process of SEGMENTATION of the zygote- SUMMARY + IMAGES !!

Process of SEGMENTATION of the zygote- SUMMARY + IMAGES !!

The human development it is a long and complex process, studied for decades. This process has two...

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Baroque art in Spain

Baroque art in Spain

Image: In Art Class - WikispacesThe baroque in Spain will be characterized ideologically by the p...

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Cain and Abel story

Cain and Abel story

Image: Christian Bible The Bible It is one of the most important religious texts in the history o...

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Vertebrates and invertebrates: differences and similarities

Vertebrates and invertebrates: differences and similarities

Image: SlideshareThe animal world is made up of a huge variety of species, all of them very diffe...

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Middle Ages: beginning and end

Middle Ages: beginning and end

The beginning and end of the Middle Ages can be established between 476 and 1492, with the discov...

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PROSTATE: definition, function and main characteristics

PROSTATE: definition, function and main characteristics

Image: SuMédico.comThe prostate is an organ that is part of the male reproductive system and only...

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Viviparous animals: examples and characteristics

Viviparous animals: examples and characteristics

Image: El rincón de Chiqui - WordPress.comViviparity is the way of reproduction of the vast major...

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ZAPOTECA culture: economy and politics

ZAPOTECA culture: economy and politics

Image: YouTubeWhen talking about the different Mesoamerican cultures We tend to focus on the thre...

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Parts and functions of the respiratory system

Parts and functions of the respiratory system

Image: Natural SciencesThe respiratory system It fulfills a fundamental function for the human or...

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Aztec gods: list of important + names

Aztec gods: list of important + names

Image: Word SearchThe aztec civilization has always been one of the most enigmatic populations in...

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History of the GREEK NUMBERS

History of the GREEK NUMBERS

The number systems They have evolved a lot throughout the history of humanity, varying through di...

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The creation of the world according to the Bible

The creation of the world according to the Bible

Image: PinterestThe Bible is the best-selling book in history. It is a set of religious books tha...

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