Adolescence is a stage of change, disruptive for both parents and children. It is not strange tha...
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Our minds are not rigid as stone, but are defined by constantly evolving. But this process does n...
In the Middle Ages, it was said to have been built by the wizard Merlin. Later, in the 17th centu...
Valencia is one of the cities with the most dynamic economy in Spain, and as such, it has a wide ...
There are a large number of conditions and pathologies that can cause the degeneration and death ...
In 1972 Robert A. Rescorla, and Allan R. Wagner proposed a very relevant theoretical model for th...
Assertiveness does not consist of saying everything that goes through our heads or, on the contra...
Jealousy in romantic relationships is usually one of the main causes of disputes and anger betwee...
All religions have rules that define how their believers should behave appropriately. Is about re...
Adolescence is a stage of change and sometimes of rebellion, so it can be difficult for a parent ...
Sometimes it is difficult to maintain a constant work rhythm during the week and at the same time...
Communication can be established in many different ways. After all, the needs, preferences and ge...