Education, study and knowledge
Examples of PRIMARY SOURCES from history

Examples of PRIMARY SOURCES from history

Image: SlidehsareFor everyone who wants study history There is an essential value that are the so...

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The HUNOS and ATILA: summary

The HUNOS and ATILA: summary

Thinking about great invasions over Europe arrivals from Asia area and that they changed the Euro...

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Causes of the Vietnam War

Causes of the Vietnam War

Image: Taringa! The Cold War It originated a series of international conflicts where the United S...

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Homo Sapiens: Main Features

Homo Sapiens: Main Features

The first ancestors of the current human being appeared almost 3 million years ago, specifically ...

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Political parties in Spain in the 19th century

Political parties in Spain in the 19th century

Image: Slideshare If the 19th century is known for something, it is, among other things, for bein...

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Expulsion of the Jews from Spain

Expulsion of the Jews from Spain

Image: study history - bloggerThe arrival to the throne of the Catholic kingsIt supposed a series...

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History of Mark Antony and Cleopatra

History of Mark Antony and Cleopatra

Image: HelloHow many great movies and books have not been inspired by true and real love stories?...

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Who was Martin Luther King 🤔Martin Luther King Biography ✊

Martin Luther King was aBaptist activist and pastor of the United States of the SXX. He was born ...

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Summary of the opium war

In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain a "Summary of the Opium War".Summary of the opi...

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Slavery in America

Slavery in America

Image: Revolution or Barbarism - WordPress.comUndoubtedly, the United States is known for defendi...

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Stages of human evolution

Stages of human evolution

It is known as hominization to the process of evolution and transformation of the human being thr...

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The origin of the Sumerians

The origin of the Sumerians

Image: The alternate reality The beginning of civilization originated in the geographical area of...

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