Education, study and knowledge

Differences between imperialism and colonialism

In this new video by Unprofesor we will explain what the ddifferences between imperialism and col...

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Find out what Napoleon Bonaparte did in France, Spain and the world

Find out what Napoleon Bonaparte did in France, Spain and the world

Image: SlideshareOn August 15, 1769, one of the most important military and political from the hi...

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History of the Spanish War of Independence

History of the Spanish War of Independence

After the defeat at Trafalgar of the French and Spanish troops before the naval might of Great Br...

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The italian fascism was a movement of great relevance in the history of Italy, born as a reaction...

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The first ancestor of the human being

The first ancestor of the human being

There are many theories that try to discover the secrets of the origin and evolution of human bei...

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Causes and consequences of the Cold War

Causes and consequences of the Cold War

Image: Felipe BozzoAfter World War II, the confrontation between the two victorious powers: the S...

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Direct or primary HISTORY sources

Direct or primary HISTORY sources

Anyone who wants to study social science known the story must use calls sources, being these elem...

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The Fall of Constantinople: Summary

The Fall of Constantinople: Summary

Image: Taringa! The fall of Constantinople marked the end of the last vestige of the Eastern Roma...

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Mafia history: summary

In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain a "Mafia history: summary".History of the Mafia...

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Who was Marie Curie

In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain a "Who was Marie Curie". Who was Marie Curie. M...

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Templars and Freemasons, are they the same?

Templars and Freemasons, are they the same?

Image: VixAre the Templars and the Masons the same? The answer is that NOT. This is one of the gr...

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The pyramids of Egypt: how were they built?

The pyramids of Egypt: how were they built?

Scientists can also do magic or, at least, they have the ability to unravel mysteries that seemed...

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