Education, study and knowledge
What are Papal Bulls

What are Papal Bulls

Although nowadays the role of the pope has decreased a lot, we cannot forget that not too many ce...

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10 most important Greek HEROES

10 most important Greek HEROES

The Greek mythology it was a set of many myths and legends that for many years characterized a ci...

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IMPRESSIONIST painting: general characteristics

IMPRESSIONIST painting: general characteristics

The Impressionism It is an artistic movement that, fleeing from the prevailing academicism, sough...

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Octavian, Roman Emperor - Biography

Octavian, Roman Emperor - Biography

Image: ArqueHistoriaThe Roman Empire has had, without a doubt, a long history that includes from ...

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Biography of Julius Caesar, Roman Emperor

Biography of Julius Caesar, Roman Emperor

Julius Caesar he is one of the best known personalities of antiquity. His political-military care...

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Crown of Castile and Crown of Aragon- Short Summary

Crown of Castile and Crown of Aragon- Short Summary

Image: ForoCoches.comThe two most important Crowns that make up the current kingdom of Spain were...

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Leonardo da Vinci - Main works of art

Leonardo da Vinci - Main works of art

Image: The Children of MalincheCuriosity never has limits and for this there is nothing more than...

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CAUSES of the HAITI revolution and main CONSEQUENCES

CAUSES of the HAITI revolution and main CONSEQUENCES

When talking about the origin of liberal revolutions history tends to always talk about those tha...

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History of the Vikings

History of the Vikings

Image: HistoriapediaWithin European history, one of the most active peoples during the High Middl...

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Most important Mesopotamian gods

Most important Mesopotamian gods

Image: SlideshareWhen we speak of Mesopotamia, we refer to a geographical site in which several c...

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Who was Ibn Battuta

In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain "Who was Ibn Battuta".Who was Ibn Battuta. Ibn ...

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History of witchcraft in the Middle Ages

History of witchcraft in the Middle Ages

The witchcraft in the Middle Ages It was a kind of religion that had many adherents, witches, dev...

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