Education, study and knowledge
The most important works of Goya

The most important works of Goya

Francisco de Goya y Lucientes was one of the most important Spanish artists in the history of art...

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GREEK mythology: summary and characteristics

GREEK mythology: summary and characteristics

Out of all mythologies that have shaped the history of humanity, possibly the best known and most...

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Judicial power: definition and functions

Judicial power: definition and functions

The term "judiciary" refers to one of the three functions and capabilities that make up a State. ...

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Napoleon Bonaparte: short biography

Napoleon Bonaparte: short biography

Do you want to know more about the life of one of the most important military that history has gi...

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Who is Medusa in Greek Mythology

Who is Medusa in Greek Mythology

The monster, the woman with snakes in her hair, the one who petrifies with her eyes... You have s...

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How many types of Christianity are there and their differences

How many types of Christianity are there and their differences

The Christianity, since its foundation, it has evolved to become one of the main religions of the...

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Origin and history of PHENICIS

Origin and history of PHENICIS

Undoubtedly, one of the most important ancient peoples are the Phoenicians, a people of Semitic o...

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The most important pyramids of Egypt

The most important pyramids of Egypt

One of the things that most attracts us to the ancient world are the Egyptian pyramids. No matter...

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What is communism and its characteristics

What is communism and its characteristics

Communism, like socialism and Marxism, is a political movement that are often mistaken for have c...

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The most IMPORTANT contributions of Galileo Galilei

The most IMPORTANT contributions of Galileo Galilei

Image: SlideshareThroughout our history there have been many great inventors and researchers that...

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Invention of the Middle Ages printing press

Invention of the Middle Ages printing press

Image: National GeographicThroughout history there have been various inventions that have changed...

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MAIN characteristics of the Jurassic period

MAIN characteristics of the Jurassic period

Image: YouTubeMillions of years ago the Earth was very different from the one we know today, havi...

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