Education, study and knowledge
Cuneiform writing of the Sumerians

Cuneiform writing of the Sumerians

Image: The Travels of Aspasia - bloggerThe origin of writing has been one of the most important a...

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METAL AGE: Copper, Bronze and Iron age

METAL AGE: Copper, Bronze and Iron age

The Prehistory of Europe and Asia it tends to be divided into two large groups of technology, bei...

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How life arose according to the Mayans

How life arose according to the Mayans

When talking about more interesting mythologies of history we always tend to approach the Mayan, ...

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Who were the Phoenicians

Who were the Phoenicians

Image: Arre horse!As we know, the appearance of the first civilizations took place in the Middle ...

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Causes of the French Revolution

One of the social and political conflicts most important of Europe was the French Revolution. In ...

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End of the Habsburgs in Spain: Brief Summary

End of the Habsburgs in Spain: Brief Summary

Image: Hypatia's eyesThroughout the 16th and 17th centuries, the Habsburg dynasty he reigned in t...

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Roman Goddess of BEAUTY: Venus

Roman Goddess of BEAUTY: Venus

Beauty is an element that exists in the vast majority of mythologies in the history of mankind, b...

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Since their origin, human beings have had two ways of life, one fixed known as sedentary and the ...

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Find out who wrote the book of THE ACTS

Find out who wrote the book of THE ACTS

Image: Bible StudyThe Bible It is one of the most important books in the history of mankind, bein...

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What are the PSALMS of David

What are the PSALMS of David

The large number of texts that form the Bible makes it very difficult to know the content, author...

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The Renaissance: main characteristics

The Renaissance: main characteristics

Image: WikipediaIn this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to deal with a very interesting hist...

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Forms of government in the world: MONARCHY and REPUBLIC

Forms of government in the world: MONARCHY and REPUBLIC

An essential concept in the management of the world throughout our history have been the differen...

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