Do you need wise phrases about life to think about? Today, listening to the song of James Blunt c...
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"Mamma mía!" This is perhaps the most recognized Italian expression worldwide, but there are many...
Nature is our home. It doesn't matter if we are from the city or from the fields, We all belong t...
Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísim...
Accepting our responsibility and asking for forgiveness is an act of love and humility. Although ...
We all need a solid guide to be able to function regularly in our environment. Although we can se...
Rene Descartes he is one of the greatest and most recognized European philosophers that history h...
Have you ever put yourself in someone else's position? Being in 'the shoes of the other' to under...
Health is not limited only to not suffering from any disease or having a slim figure, also it's a...
Walter Bruce Willis, known to all as Bruce Willis, has established himself as one of the best Hol...
Denzel Washington, without a doubt, has had one of the best careers in Hollywood, having in his h...
Philip Anthony Hopkins is known for being one of the most iconic and successful Hollywood actors ...