Education, study and knowledge


Flow, in search of the optimal experience

Flow, in search of the optimal experience

We live in a world where it seems that if you don't make the most of your time and be super produ...

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The 6 types of Bulimia: causes, symptoms and treatment

The 6 types of Bulimia: causes, symptoms and treatment

Bulimia is a mental disorder classified within eating disorders. We will be able to differentiate...

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The 8 types of Phobias: causes, symptoms and treatment

The 8 types of Phobias: causes, symptoms and treatment

Phobias are characterized by showing excessive and disproportionate fear and avoidance behavior o...

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How to forgive yourself? 4 psychological keys

Some people are quick to forgive someone who has hurt them but, ironically, they are incredibly c...

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Advantages and disadvantages of being a person with high sensitivity

Advantages and disadvantages of being a person with high sensitivity

Highly sensitive people experience reality somewhat differently than the average citizen.But… Is ...

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The 6 types of disgust (and their characteristics)

The 6 types of disgust (and their characteristics)

There is considerable consensus within the field of psychology to say that human beings have a se...

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Secondary emotions: what they are, types and characteristics

Emotions have been a fundamental aspect of our survival. It is through mood changes that animals ...

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The 6 types of Gambling: causes and symptoms

The 6 types of Gambling: causes and symptoms

Gambling or gambling addiction is considered a mental disorder that shows symptoms similar to sub...

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The 7 types of Emotional Intelligence and their functions

The 7 types of Emotional Intelligence and their functions

Emotional Intelligence is the ability that allows us to understand our own emotions and those of ...

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How to be more independent: 8 useful tips

In the early stages of our lives it is natural for us to depend on other people, be it our parent...

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What is it to be a Workaholic? The 11 Signs of Work Addiction

What is it to be a Workaholic? The 11 Signs of Work Addiction

We consider a person to be a Workaholic when he has a workaholic. His life revolves around the wo...

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The 10 types of Jealousy (and how they affect us)

The 10 types of Jealousy (and how they affect us)

Jealousy are negative feelings that appear in the fear of losing a person or a thing.. Despite be...

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