Education, study and knowledge


The 9 causes of lack of inspiration (and how to manage them)

The 9 causes of lack of inspiration (and how to manage them)

Inspiration is the state of mind that allows us to be highly creative, come up with innovative so...

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Anxiety as a path to self-knowledge and freedom

When society tells you that the accelerated world is the right one, that the stress and the anxie...

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Effects of stress on driving: What to do to avoid risks?

Effects of stress on driving: What to do to avoid risks?

Stress is a normal psychological process, which influences both physical and mental levels, and u...

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How to start over in life? 15 psychological tips

How to start over in life? 15 psychological tips

When we feel that we are no longer happy, that we are not comfortable with the life situation in ...

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How to organize yourself to study: 9 practical tips

How to organize yourself to study: 9 practical tips

When you want to prepare an exam it is very important that there is a correct organization, since...

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When transgression is the way: the route to well-being

When transgression is the way: the route to well-being

All the time we are told that we should chase our dreams. And paradoxically, in the same sentence...

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The 20 best Psychology Documentaries (that you cannot miss)

The 20 best Psychology Documentaries (that you cannot miss)

The knowledge posed and provided by Psychology, the study of the human being, his behavior, his d...

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The 8 differences between primary and secondary emotions

The 8 differences between primary and secondary emotions

Understanding emotions as cognitive, physiological and motor reactions to stimuli that produce an...

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Neutral emotions: what they are, what they are for and how they affect us

Neutral emotions: what they are, what they are for and how they affect us

Emotions are a very important phenomenon within the field of psychology because they influence no...

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Delta stimulus: what it is, characteristics and examples

Delta stimulus: what it is, characteristics and examples

As we know, in the field of psychology, a stimulus would be any type of signal, either internal o...

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The 3 Levels of the Language (and its characteristics)

Language is one of the most important capacities of the human being., since we are social animals...

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What is Social Anxiety? Definition and differences with shyness

What is Social Anxiety? Definition and differences with shyness

Each of us are different in our way of being and this affects our way of relating to others. Thus...

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