Education, study and knowledge


Irritability: what it is, causes, and what to do to manage it

Irritability: what it is, causes, and what to do to manage it

Irritability is an emotional state that generates a feeling of externalized discomfort in the sub...

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Who I am? A look at my narrative

Who I am? A look at my narrative

I am the result of my words, my stories, my memories.I am the story I have chosen to be told. Am ...

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The happiness trap

The happiness trap

The truth is that happiness is not what we seek. And it's a shame, because all of society is focu...

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How to be emotionally strong: 10 practical tips

How to be emotionally strong: 10 practical tips

Emotional strength is the ability that allows us to face different situations, properly managing ...

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Why to understand emotions you have to look at the context

Why to understand emotions you have to look at the context

It's a very common mistake classify emotions as negative emotions or positive emotions.We usually...

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Why running away from your emotions is the worst mistake you can make

Why running away from your emotions is the worst mistake you can make

Being in the presence of our emotions without fear, without guilt and without shame is the key to...

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"Why am I in a bad mood?" The 3 most frequent reasons

Sudden mood swings can be a source of discomfort that affect all aspects of our lives. They facil...

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Emotional stability: what it is and how to enhance and develop it in yourself

Emotional stability: what it is and how to enhance and develop it in yourself

Emotional stability has to do with being able to regulate our feelings, something that helps us t...

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Systemic thinking: what it is, characteristics, and how it works

Systemic thinking: what it is, characteristics, and how it works

One of the most common procedures when analyzing a problem is to limit yourself to evaluating the...

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The 9 types of affection (and their characteristics)

The 9 types of affection (and their characteristics)

Affect is defined as the subjective expression of mood, emotions. We understand, then, that affec...

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What does the color turquoise mean in Psychology?

What does the color turquoise mean in Psychology?

Crystal clear beaches, clear skies, medical consultations... The color turquoise is a tone that e...

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What does the color magenta mean in Psychology?

What does the color magenta mean in Psychology?

Magenta is a primary color, essential to be able to make the full range of colors by combining wi...

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