Education, study and knowledge

Causes of the Spanish-American War

In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain the causes of the Spanish-American war. This wa...

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The Battle of Midway

In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain "The Battle of Midway ".The Battle of Midway, t...

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Biography of José Martí

Biography of José Martí

The Cuban War of Independence It was one of the most important events that occurred at the end of...

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Definition of the Hussite movement

In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain "Definition of the Hussite movement".Definition...

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FEUDALISM in the Middle Ages

FEUDALISM in the Middle Ages

Feudalism was the social, political and economic system predominant in medieval Europe, being a k...

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Causes and consequences of the Balkan War

In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain "Causes and consequences of the Balkan War".Cau...

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Soviet Union crisis

In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain "Soviet Union crisis".Crisis of the Soviet Unio...

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The name of Postimpressionism designates a set of pictorial styles that follow one another after ...

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History of the CNT-AIT in the Civil War

History of the CNT-AIT in the Civil War

The bloodiest stage of the Spanish 20th century was lived between the years 1936-1939, years of t...

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Operation BARABARROJA in World War II

Operation BARABARROJA in World War II

The entry of the USSR into World War II It was a key event for the Allies to turn the war around,...

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Why was the Berlin Wall built?

Why was the Berlin Wall built?

Image: Taringa!Until relatively recently, Berlin was divided by a wall to differentiate two oppos...

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Causes and consequences of the Korean war

In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain "Causes and consequences of the Korean war".Cau...

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