Education, study and knowledge

Spanish Language

Prepositions of PLACE in Spanish

Prepositions of PLACE in Spanish

Prepositions of place in SpanishThey express the place or location and some examples of them are ...

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50 examples of U with umlauts

50 examples of U with umlauts

Examples of U with diaeresis are agüero, nicaragüense, agüita, paragüero, beggar, canoeist, multi...

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Prepositions of TIME in Spanish

Prepositions of TIME in Spanish

The time prepositions in Spanish they are those that do reference to the passing of time. For exa...

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The Buero Vallejo Foundation

The Buero Vallejo Foundation

discover our summary of The foundation by Buero Vallejo, ideal for selectivity! The foundation is...

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The Aeneid: short summary

The Aeneid: short summary

the aeneidIt is a Latin epic written by the Roman poet Virgil in the first century BC. c. and it ...

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What is CONCEPTISM and its characteristics

What is CONCEPTISM and its characteristics

Conceptism is a current of literature that developed in Spain during the 17th century. This movem...

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What are ARABISMS: examples and meaning

What are ARABISMS: examples and meaning

Arabisms are words of Arabic origin that are part of the Spanish language.. There are more than 4...

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What is an ÉGLOGA: characteristics and examples

What is an ÉGLOGA: characteristics and examples

Poetry is a very vast world, since it is a form of writing that has existed for many centuries. W...

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In medias res: meaning and examples

In medias res: meaning and examples

in media res is a Latin locution that literally means "in the middle of the matter" or "in the mi...

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38 examples of VOCATIVE in Spanish

38 examples of VOCATIVE in Spanish

There are many elements in speech that allow the sender interacts directly with the receiver. Thi...

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What are SUBORDINANT conjunctions?

What are SUBORDINANT conjunctions?

the conjunctions, also known as links, are words that serve as a bridge between other syntactic e...

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What are VALUES and what are they for?

What are VALUES and what are they for?

If you've ever done a play, you've probably heard of the author's remarks. It is possible that at...

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