Education, study and knowledge
Most important World WAR II treaties

Most important World WAR II treaties

In any war the treaties gain enormous relevance, being elements that can greatly change the event...

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Most important thoughts of MARCO AURELIO

Most important thoughts of MARCO AURELIO

Image: PinterestThroughout history there have been a number of political and philosophical thinke...

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VAN GOGH's Starry Night: History and Meaning

VAN GOGH's Starry Night: History and Meaning

The starry Night is considered as a van gogh masterpiece, one of the most iconic and recognizable...

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Stages of the Industrial Revolution

Stages of the Industrial Revolution

Image: TwitterPossibly one of the major changes of the history of mankind was the so-called Indus...

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Exact date of the start and end of the First World War

Exact date of the start and end of the First World War

The exact date of the start of the First World War was the June 28, 1914 and the exact date of th...

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Europe after the First World War

Europe after the First World War

On November 11, 1918, Germany finally signed the armistice putting end to World War I, in which t...

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10 masterworks by Joaquín SOROLLA

10 masterworks by Joaquín SOROLLA

Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida (1863-1923) is one of the great masters of contemporary Spanish paintin...

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Prohibition in the US

In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain "Prohibition in the USA".Prohibition in the USA...

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MONET's water lily pond

MONET's water lily pond

Monet's gardens in his house in Giverny they had a great influence on the movement Impressionisti...

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Causes of the First World War

In the previous video I explained Europe before the First World War and in this video I will expl...

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Gustav KLIMT and his 5 most important works

Gustav KLIMT and his 5 most important works

Gustav Klimt (1862-1918) is one of the references within the modernist movement of the Viennese s...

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Historically, the United States has always been considered a key country for the victory of the A...

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