He is a lover of literature and volta e meia gosta to reler some classical? Ou não é assim tão fã...
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TO Odysseia It is an epic poem, written by Homer, which narrates the troubled journey of the hero...
Cecília Meireles, one of the Brazilian authors of major successes among the infantile audience, h...
Published in 1970 by the poet Vinicius de Moraes (1913-1980), or children's poem As Borboletas It...
Written in 1951 for a companion Lila Bôscoli, Sonnet of Total Love It is one of the most celebrat...
A children's production by the poet and composer Vinicius de Moraes is quite well known by the Br...
Cecília Meireles (1901-1964) was the two largest names in Brazilian literature. I have written bo...
The verses of the consecrated poem Leilão de Jardim Foram writings by the Brazilian poet Cecília ...
Cecília Meireles (1901 - 1964) was a famous Brazilian author. As part of it, or her literary work...
Or renewal vigorou between the fourteenth century and the seventeenth century having disposed of ...
Published in 1955, na França, Lolita It is a classic and complex work written by Russian author V...
Do you want to always be around the clock? I want to know more about or what publishers intend to...