Haruki Murakami (1949) is an internationally acclaimed Japanese writer and translator. Besides be...
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Madame Bovary, written in 1857 by Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880), is one of the greatest works of F...
Everyone knows the importance of the Nobel Prize for Literature and the honor that it means to re...
Or Romance 1984, by British writer George Orwell, is a dystopia written in 1949 that proposes lif...
Nothing like a boa story of mystery to capture your attention and ignite you até ao final! In thi...
O Baroque occurred during the historical period that includes the end of the sixteenth century ti...
Gosta de um bom livro capable of drawing off sighs? We create this list with great romantic roman...
No romance, the protagonist Iracema, an Indian, is turned off by Martim, a Portuguese. Together t...
José de Alencar wrote some of the major classical Brazilian literature. Considered the founder of...
To Moreninha é um romance by Joaquim Manuel de Macedo published in 1844. Considered the first gre...
During the XIX century vigorou or Romantism, an artistic school that was opposed to classicism an...
Published in 1862, Luciola She was part of the project Perfis de Mulher, by the Brazilian romanti...