It is impossible to fail in Brazilian literature without mentioning or not a major author: Machad...
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You popular ditates, also chamados of provérbios or ditos, travessam gerações and passam by us ev...
Sete Faces Poem is one of the most popular compositions by Carlos Drummond de Andrade. Published ...
Or poem You toads It is a classic of the Brazilian writer Manuel Bandeira, raised in 1918 and pub...
O Concretismo arose in the two 50s in Brazil and held as an official framework the exposição de P...
OR epic poem written by author Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) é um classic of world literature writt...
Do you want to start (or recommend) to read and don't know where to start? Don't worry, we have p...
Published for the first time in 1860, or briefly To Viuvinha, by José de Alencar, is an urban rom...
Os Ombros Suportam o Mundo é um poem by Carlos Drummond de Andrade published in 1940 not released...
Uma das personagens mais important da historia counted I do not free O little prince (1943), by t...
Quadrilha é um poem by Carlos Drummond de Andrade, published in 1930, in his first work Alguma Po...
Art is a way of being human to express itself. Despite being made more varied meios, languages ...