A string literature is an artistic manifestation that combines various elements, such as writing,...
A music A third margem do rio was the result of a close partnership between Caetano Veloso (lyric...
Novel Now and then Augusto Matraga it was written by Guimarães Rosa (1908-1967) and is included n...
A lenda do Boto is one of the most famous stories of national folklore. Or cetacean, a species of...
O realism was a cultural movement that occurred at the second goal of the 19th century in Europe....
For Aristotle (384 - 322 a. C.), author of the phrase and um two greatest Greek philosophers, or ...
Socrates' Apology This is a work by Platão, a philosopher from Grécia Antiga, being a version of ...
Sagarana, Considered one of the raw works of Brazilian regionalist prose, it is a book of stories...
Or poem Ferro trem It was written in 1936 and is the two most consecrated works of the modernist ...
Judith Butler (1956) is a North American philosopher, theorist and academic who has become a fund...
Or what is cultural appropriation?In a rather simplistic and summarized way, we can affirm that a...
Simone de Beauvoir (1908 - 1986) was a French writer, philosopher, activist and theorist who broa...