Education, study and knowledge


What to do if you fall in love with your best friend (or friend)?

There are times when the story between two friends can turn into something more, and friendship c...

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How to say I love you without saying it: 8 different ways to do it

There are few times that we want to say "I love you" to the person we loveBut it is not always ea...

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How do love relationships work?

How do love relationships work?

Love is a very difficult concept to understand and even more to decipher its operation. There are...

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The 5 phases of divorce and its characteristics

One of the worst experiences that human beings can go through is the break with the partner and w...

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The 14 types of marriages that exist (and their characteristics)

Marriage represents the union between two people which is regulated by law, but you will be surpr...

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Problematic love: dependency, jealousy and social networks

Since we acquire the first notions of what is happening around us, we begin to hear the term "lov...

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How to know if there is emotional dependence in a relationship

How to know if there is emotional dependence in a relationship

It is clear that having a partner is one of the experiences that change our lives, something that...

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The stages of heartbreak and its psychological consequences

Are you feeling the pain of an emotional breakup? It is very likely that in these moments you fee...

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How to get your ex back, 3 keys you should know

Throughout our lives we have all experienced one or more courtships that, unfortunately, do not a...

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5 benefits of a breakup (well managed)

Few life experiences are as painful as heartbreak. Feeling the rejection of our ex-partner leads ...

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Living as a couple during confinement: 9 tips

On March 14, a state of alarm was decreed in Spain due to COVID-19. This meant that we had to go ...

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Philophobia (fear of falling in love): what is it, causes and frequent symptoms

Philophobia (fear of falling in love): what is it, causes and frequent symptoms

Philphobia is one more example of a very curious phenomenon: wherever the human imagination and o...

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