In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain the "Techniques for registering and stimulating...
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Neurology is one of the most complex branches of medicine. The brain function When it comes to pr...
In this BIOLOGY video we will explain "Prefrontal cortex".First introductory video of the prefron...
In this video I will explain the relationship between centrioles, cilia and flagellaThe centriole...
In this BIOLOGY video we will explain "What is the limbic system".What is the limbic system. In t...
In this BIOLOGY video we will explain "Stress response".We are going to outline how our response ...
In this BIOLOGY video we will explain "What are cerebral cortices".The cerebral cortices. Crust.....
In this BIOLOGY video we will explain the "Post mortem brain study".Study of the brain after deat...
In this BIOLOGY video we will explain the "Neuroimaging techniques". Latest neuroimaging techniqu...
In this BIOLOGY video we will talk about "Hardy-Weinberg's law".Hardy was an English mathematicia...
In this video I will explain how to calculate the genotype ratios and phenotypic ratios. This is ...