The Handmaid's Tale (in Portuguese O Conto da Aia) was written by Canadian author Margaret Atwood...
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Com or original title Notre-Dame de Paris, ou Nossa Senhora de Paris, a work more known as O Corc...
Aristotle (384 a. C. - 322 a. C.) was a notorious thinker and philosopher who lives in Grécia Ant...
To Relíquia I considered um realistic romance written by Portuguese hair Eça de Queirós and publi...
Margaret Atwood is considered the greatest Canadian writer alive, with a vast literary production...
In October 2019, the Nobel Prize for Literature continued with a double award. Due to the scandal...
Fernanda Young (1970-2019) was one of the greatest voices of contemporary Brazilian literature. H...
A phrase I think, logo I exist, Conhened by its form in Latin Cogito ergo sum, is a phrase by the...
Or sonnet As pombas, authored by Brazilian poet Raimundo Correia, is two highlights of Brazilian ...
"Ser ou não ser, eis a questão" (in English, "To be or not to be, that is the question) is a famo...
Considered the pai of the Portuguese theater, Gil Vicente is an icon of the Portuguese culture. O...
Or speech I have a dream (in Portuguese Eu Tenho um Sonho), an emblematic speech by Martin Luther...