Education, study and knowledge


Phrase O Estado sou eu: analysis and historical context

Phrase O Estado sou eu: analysis and historical context

A oração "O Estado sou eu" (not original “L’État c’est moi", in English"I am the State") is attri...

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Édipo Rei, by Sophocles: summary, analysis and principais personagens

Édipo Rei, by Sophocles: summary, analysis and principais personagens

A grega tragedy Edipo Rei It was written by Sophocles and is the two most revisited myths of Clas...

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"O homem é o lobo do homem": analysis and history of the phrase

"O homem é o lobo do homem": analysis and history of the phrase

Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), classical author Leviatã, was or responsible for divulging the famous ...

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Só sei que nada sei: meaning, history, about Socrates

Só sei que nada sei: meaning, history, about Socrates

A phrase "Só sei que nada sei" is attributed to the Greek philosopher Socrates. A phrase is also ...

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Maria Firmina dos Reis: Brazil's first abolitionist writer

Maria Firmina dos Reis: Brazil's first abolitionist writer

Maria Firmina dos Reis (1822-1917) was an important Brazilian writer of the XIX century. It was f...

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Escola de Frankfurt: summary, authors, works, historical context

Escola de Frankfurt: summary, authors, works, historical context

Jewish thinkers, mainly Marxists, began to meet in 1923 at the foundation or Institute for Social...

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Caio Fernando Abreu: life and work

Caio Fernando Abreu: life and work

Caio Fernando Abreu (1948-1996) is two most beloved writers of Brazilian literature and represent...

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Os fins justificam os meios: meaning of the phrase, Machiavell, O prince

Os fins justificam os meios: meaning of the phrase, Machiavell, O prince

The phrase "Os fins justificam os meios" is chegou to be uttered by Italian Nicolau Maquiavel, fr...

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Hino Nacional Brasileiro: full letter and origin

Hino Nacional Brasileiro: full letter and origin

The national country of Brazil was initially composed in commemoration of the resignation of Don ...

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Tomás Antônio Gonzaga: works and analysis

Tomás Antônio Gonzaga: works and analysis

Arcade poet, advocate, born and raised in Portugal, emigrated to Brazil and died in Moçambique, t...

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Meaning of the phrase Know yourself

Meaning of the phrase Know yourself

Em grego transliterated (not original) to phrase é gnōthi seauton (translated for or Portuguese a...

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Carpe diem: analysis and meaning of the phrase

Carpe diem: analysis and meaning of the phrase

Carpe Diem This is a Latin phrase often translated as "Aproveite o dia". A expressão foi cunhada ...

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